
COOP freefrom Lactose free

Barcode 7610818168804

Switzerland (CH)


125.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Frischkäse aus pasteurisierter, homogenisierter Vollmilch (Schweiz), Vollrahm (Schweiz), Milchproteinpulver, Kochsalz. Kochsalzgehalt insgesamt: 0.7 %.

Ingredients (English)

fresh cheese with pasteurized whole milk, homogenized (Swiss), whole cream (Switzerland), milk protein powder, cooking salt. Total salt content of cooking: 0.7%.

Ingredients (French)

fromage frais au lait entier pasteurisé, homogénéisé (Suisse), crème entière (Suisse), protéines de lait en poudre, sel de cuisine. Teneur totale en sel de cuisine: 0.7 %.

Ingredients (Italian)

formaggio fresco con latte intero pastorizzato, omogeneizzato (svizzero), panna intera (Svizzera), polvere proteica del latte, sale da cucina. Contenuto di sale totale di cottura: 0,7%.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 278.0 kCal
Energy 1160.0 kJ
Fat 26.0 g
Carbohydrates 4.5 g
Protein 4.5 g
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