
9376 points
2372 tasks completed · 2504 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 6805

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
August 05, 2021 10:12 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Isola Bio - Reis Kokos (biologisches Getränk)"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Isola Bio - Reis Kokos (biologisches Getränk)"

German: Isola Bio - Reis Kokos (biologisches Getränk)
French: Isola Bio - Riz coco (boisson biologique)
August 04, 2021 13:45 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Salami Milano "
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Salami Milano "

German: Salami Milano
Italian: Salami Milano
August 04, 2021 13:44 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Bio-Tomaten Ketchup "
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Bio-Tomaten Ketchup "

German: FruSano - Bio-Tomaten Ketchup
August 04, 2021 13:44 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Bärenfreunde (Gummibären mit Fruchtgeschmack)"
Reviewed and accepted 1
German: FruSano - Bärenfreunde (Gummibären mit Fruchtgeschmack)
August 04, 2021 13:43 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Bio-Pfefferminz-Bonbons"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Bio-Pfefferminz-Bonbons"

German: FruSano - Bio-Pfefferminz-Bonbons
August 04, 2021 13:43 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "PowerBar - Natural Protein (salty peanut crunch)"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "PowerBar - Natural Protein (salty peanut crunch)"

English: PowerBar - Natural Protein (salty peanut crunch)
August 04, 2021 13:42 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Maggi - Nudel Snack, Huhn Geschmack"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Maggi - Nudel Snack, Huhn Geschmack"

German: Maggi - Nudel Snack, Huhn Geschmack
August 04, 2021 13:42 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "FruSano - Panama Glück (Bio Kakaohaltiges Getränkepulver)"
Reviewed and accepted 1
German: FruSano - Panama Glück (Bio Kakaohaltiges Getränkepulver)
August 04, 2021 13:41 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Clarkys - Oven baked chips (sour cream & onion)"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Clarkys - Oven baked chips (sour cream & onion)"

German: Clarkys - Oven baked Chips (Sour Cream & Onion-Geschmack)
English: Clarkys - Oven baked chips (sour cream & onion)
August 04, 2021 13:40 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Lay's - Bugles (Nacho cheese)"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Lay's - Bugles (Nacho cheese)"

English: Lay's - Bugles (Nacho cheese)

Products created 2'483

Confit de tomates séchées complete
Created March 24, 2020
Bruschettine complete
Created March 24, 2020
Ferrero Rocher complete
Created March 24, 2020
Denner - Joghurt Mokka (stichfest) complete
Created March 24, 2020
Ültje - Pistazien gesalzen rescan
Created March 24, 2020
High protein Milchgetränk complete
Created March 24, 2020
Trutenbrust complete
Created March 24, 2020
Chocolat noir Nestlé dessert complete
Created March 24, 2020
Yoplait - Almond rescan
Created March 24, 2020
Alnatura - Ingwer Kurkuma Tee (mit Koriandersamen) complete
Created March 24, 2020

Products updated 10'701

Tony - Pavés complete
Updated July 16, 2022
Coop Betty Bossi - Birchermüesli rescan
Updated July 16, 2022
Chocolat douceur des fées rescan
Updated July 15, 2022
Cremo - Milch UHT rescan
Updated July 15, 2022
Beurre du chef au gros sel des Alpes complete
Updated July 15, 2022
Lindt - Lindor complete
Updated July 15, 2022
Migrolino - Italien dressing rescan
Updated July 15, 2022
Kambly - Bretzeli rescan
Updated July 15, 2022