
9376 points
2372 tasks completed · 2504 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 6805

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
December 28, 2022 13:47 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Coop Qualité & Prix - Drink Halbentrahmte Milch, 1.5% Milchfett"
Reviewed and accepted 1
German: Coop Qualité & Prix - Drink Halbentrahmte Milch, 1.5% Milchfett
French: Coop Qualité & Prix - Drink Lait demi-écrémé, 1,5% de matière grasse
Italian: Coop Qualité & Prix - Drink latte semiscremato, 1.5% di grasso
December 28, 2022 13:45 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "M Budget Blutorangensaft"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "M Budget Blutorangensaft"

100 ml 200 ml
Energy 218
Energy (Calories / kCal) 51
Protein 0.6
Fat 0
Carbohydrates 12
Sugars 8.9
Salt 0
Fiber 0.5
Saturated fat 0
December 28, 2022 13:42 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Dr. Oetker - Feine Mokkabohnen"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Dr. Oetker - Feine Mokkabohnen"

German: Dr. Oetker - Feine Mokkabohnen
December 28, 2022 13:41 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Saison - Jogurt Kokosnuss"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Saison - Jogurt Kokosnuss"

German: Saison - Jogurt Kokosnuss
French: Saison - Yogourt Noix de coco
Italian: Saison - Yogurt Noce di cocco
December 28, 2022 13:35 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Coop Betty Bossi - Hobelfleisch & Käse"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Coop Betty Bossi - Hobelfleisch & Käse"

100 g 160 g
Energy 1386
Energy (Calories / kCal) 332
Protein 14
Fat 18
Carbohydrates 27
Salt 1.7
December 28, 2022 13:34 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Coop Qualité & Prix - Drink Halbentrahmte Milch, 1.5% Milchfett"
Reviewed and accepted 2
100 ml 1.75 l
Energy 193
Energy (Calories / kCal) 46
Protein 3.2
Fat 1.5
Carbohydrates 4.9
Sugars 4.9
Salt 0.1
Fiber 0
Saturated fat 0.9
December 28, 2022 13:29 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Doppelbürli"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Doppelbürli"

German: Doppelbürli
French: Ballon paysan double
Italian: Bürli doppio
December 20, 2022 18:02 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Left Hand Brewing Co - St Vrain tripel Ale"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Left Hand Brewing Co - St Vrain tripel Ale"

Image illegible
December 20, 2022 18:02 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "7610400084727"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "7610400084727"

Image missing
December 20, 2022 18:01 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "365 Whole Foods Market - Pretzel Nuggets Peanut Butter"
Reviewed and accepted 1
English: 365 Whole Foods Market - Pretzel Nuggets Peanut Butter

Products created 2'483

/en/products/46349 rescan
Created March 17, 2021
Coop Karma - Thai Carrots mit Mango, Vegan rescan
Created March 17, 2021
You - Super smoothie (Mango, Kokos, Ingwer) complete
Created March 17, 2021
Mymuesli - Porridge (Apfel, Dattel & Nuss) rescan
Created March 17, 2021
Bio Brot Rustikal rescan
Created March 17, 2021
Caotina (Noir) rescan
Created March 15, 2021
Migros Bio - Joghurt (Mokka) complete
Created March 15, 2021
Citterio - Salami Milano complete
Created March 15, 2021
Hiro Takahashi - Kastanien rescan
Created March 15, 2021