
9376 points
2372 tasks completed · 2504 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 6805

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
March 06, 2021 22:51 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8000520101272"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8000520101272"

300 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:48 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8013355999495"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8013355999495"

330 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:48 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "3560070247295"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "3560070247295"

500 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:48 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "5410126006339"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "5410126006339"

124 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:47 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8001505002089"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8001505002089"

330 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:47 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8012666046133"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8012666046133"

198 g Pack
March 06, 2021 22:47 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8012666042098"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8012666042098"

270 g Pack
March 06, 2021 22:47 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8000090600816"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8000090600816"

200 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:46 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "8076809536721"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "8076809536721"

700 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.
March 06, 2021 22:46 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "3560070582822"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "3560070582822"

300 g Single unit
Remarks after review
It's "pack" not "single unit" because it's the weight of the whole product.

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