Greub Chloé

4076 points
1130 tasks completed · 1192 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 1920

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
March 05, 2021 17:54 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "80717676"
Reviewed and refused 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "80717676"

Image missing
Remarks after review
The image is not missing, the weight is not written in gramms but by the number of candies.
March 05, 2021 17:54 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Buitoni - la Sfoglia rettangolare"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Buitoni - la Sfoglia rettangolare"

Image missing
March 04, 2021 14:17 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "7616500051379"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "7616500051379"

308 g Pack
March 04, 2021 14:14 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "7616500642850"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "7616500642850"

500 g Pack
March 04, 2021 14:14 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Glenmorangie The Original Highland Single Malt Scotch Wisky"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Glenmorangie The Original Highland Single Malt Scotch Wisky"

70 cl Pack
March 04, 2021 14:14 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "ALTANATURA Soja-Sauce Shoyu"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "ALTANATURA Soja-Sauce Shoyu"

250 ml Pack
March 04, 2021 14:13 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "7613312096864"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "7613312096864"

100 g Pack
March 01, 2021 13:23 Product images task
Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"
Reviewed and refused 1

Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"

Remarks after review
Please answer with values, not pictures
February 25, 2021 10:33 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Meat jelly"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Meat jelly"

Image missing
February 25, 2021 10:33 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Tic Tac (Fresh Mint)"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Tic Tac (Fresh Mint)"

it's not a nutrient product
Remarks after review
The nutrient list is written on the product, it is simply not in a table.

Products updated 9'939

Dill complete
Updated October 14, 2019
/en/products/42853 rescan
Updated October 14, 2019
Le Chef Swiss - Herbal mix rescan
Updated October 14, 2019
Le Chef Swiss - Potato spice rescan
Updated October 14, 2019
/en/products/42843 rescan
Updated October 14, 2019
Guyader pure duck mousse complete
Updated October 14, 2019
Pure fruits, jus multivitamines complete
Updated October 14, 2019
/en/products/24137 draft
Updated March 26, 2018
/en/products/18440 draft
Updated July 07, 2017