Greub Chloé

4076 points
1130 tasks completed · 1192 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 1920

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
February 25, 2021 10:22 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "20622015"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "20622015"

Image missing
February 25, 2021 10:22 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Findus Plätzli"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Findus Plätzli"

100 g g
Energy 764
Energy (Calories / kCal) 182
Fat 7.7
Fiber 1.1
Protein 5.0
Salt 1.5
Remarks after review
The answer is not complete. The values for portion and % can be added + values for saturated fat, carbohydrates and sugar for 100g can be written.
February 25, 2021 10:21 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "8711000512685"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "8711000512685"

Image missing
Remarks after review
The image is not missing, the nutrient table is just not on the product.
February 25, 2021 10:21 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Montagne"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Montagne"

Image missing
Remarks after review
The image is not missing, the nutrient table is just not on the product.
February 25, 2021 10:18 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "7613269499251"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "7613269499251"

Image illegible
February 25, 2021 10:18 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "4009700068934"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "4009700068934"

Image illegible
Remarks after review
The image is perfectly legible. Please complete it even if the image is turned.
February 25, 2021 10:18 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "AMINO GLUTAMIN Ergänzungsnahnung mit"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "AMINO GLUTAMIN Ergänzungsnahnung mit"

Image illegible
February 25, 2021 10:18 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Sauvignon blanc, central valley - Los Pasos 2016"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Sauvignon blanc, central valley - Los Pasos 2016"

Image illegible
Remarks after review
The image is not illegible, there is just no nutrient table on this product.
February 25, 2021 10:18 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Tropical Oasis Pocket"
Reviewed and refused 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Tropical Oasis Pocket"

Image missing
Remarks after review
The value for kJ and kCal is given on the product. The nutrient table may not be written in a table and sometimes, only few values can be given, so please read carefully the informations on the product.
February 25, 2021 10:17 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Nestle LC1 Drink"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Nestle LC1 Drink"

Image illegible

Products created 1'778

Coop Prix Garantie - Couscous Salat rescan
Created September 28, 2021
MClassic - Tortellini Cnque Pi in Tomaten-Rahm-Sauce complete
Created September 28, 2021
Coop Naturaplan Bio - Bio Mini-Reiswaffeln rescan
Created September 22, 2021
/en/products/376776 rescan
Created September 22, 2021
Fromagerie Moléson - Yogourt Brebis (citron) rescan
Created September 22, 2021
BM tarte aux châtaignes rescan
Created September 22, 2021
Bio Sprossenbrot complete
Created September 22, 2021
Soja Sun - Dessert végétal, saveur pistache complete
Created September 22, 2021
Der scharfe Maxx Scheiben complete
Created September 22, 2021
Migros V-Love - Plant-Based hummus veggies rescan
Created September 22, 2021

Products updated 9'939

Demeter - Teigwaren Vollkorn rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
Il Viaggiator Goloso - Biscotti di fonni rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
Choceur - Himbeere rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
Spoon Granola - Dark choc zing complete
Updated April 20, 2022
OKF - Aloe Vera drink rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
Coop Prix Garantie - Choco peanut Müesliriegel complete
Updated April 20, 2022
Ojéronimo, white IPA rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
Bon Chef - Bündner Gersten rescan
Updated April 20, 2022
/en/products/378606 rescan
Updated April 20, 2022