
Knorr Beef Broth

Barcode 7611100325882

Switzerland (CH)


240.0 g

Ingredients (German)

jodiertes Speisesalz, MILCHZUCKER, Geschmacksverstärker (Mononatriumglutamat, Dinatriuminosinat, Dinatriumguanylat), Hefeextrakt, Rindfleischextrakt, Aromen (mit SOJA), Sonnenblumenöl, Zwiebeln, Gewürze (Curcuma, Liebstöckel, Bockshornkleesamen, Muskatnuss), Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), Karotten, Petersilie

Ingredients (English)

iodized edible salt, LACTOSE, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate), yeast extract, beef extract, flavorings (with SOYA), sunflower oil, onions, spices (turmeric, lovage, fenugreek, nutmeg), acidifier (citric acid), carrots, parsley

Ingredients (French)

sel comestible iodé, LACTOSE, exhausteur de gout (glutamate monosodique, inosinate disodique, guanylate disodique), extrait de levure, extrait de viande de bœuf, arômes (avec SOJA), huile de tournesol, oignons, épices (curcuma, livèche, fenugrec, muscade), acidifiant (acide citrique), carottes, persil

Ingredients (Italian)

sale alimentare iodato, LATTOSIO, esaltatore di sapidità (glutammato monosodico, inosinato disodico, guanilato disodico), estratto di lievito, estratto di manzo, aromi (con SOIA), olio di semi di girasole, cipolle, spezie (curcuma, levistico, fieno greco, noce moscata), acidificante (acido citrico), carote, prezzemolo

Nutritional values
100 g 250.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 5.0 kCal 13.0 kCal
Energy 20.0 kJ 50.0 kJ
Fat 0.5 g 0.5 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 0.8 g 2.0 g
Sugars 0.8 g 2.0 g
Fiber 0.5 g 0.5 g
Protein 0.5 g 0.7 g
Salt 1.2 g 3.0 g
Greub Chloé Reviewed task answer of Knorr Beef Broth
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