
Condy Funghi mushrooms with Pizzaiola

Barcode 27100127

Switzerland (CH)


150.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Champignons 66% (Polen/Niederlande), Sonnenblumenöl 25%, Kapern, jodiertes Kochsalz, Gewürze, rote Peperoni, Gewürzextrakte. Pasteurisiert. Nach dem Öffnen im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.

Ingredients (English)

66% Paris mushrooms (Poland / Netherlands), 25% sunflower oil, capers, iodized salt, spices, red peppers, spice extracts.

Ingredients (French)

champignons de Paris 66% (Pologne/Pays-Bas), huile de tournesol 25%, câpres, sel de cuisine iodé, épices, poivrons rouges, extraits d'épices.

Ingredients (Italian)

66% funghi parigini (Polonia / Paesi Bassi), olio di girasole 25%, capperi, sale iodato, spezie, peperoni rossi, estratti di spezie.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 247.0 kCal
Energy 1018.0 kJ
Fat 25.0 g
Saturated fat 3.0 g
Carbohydrates 3.0 g
Sugars 0.5 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Protein 1.5 g
Salt 2.0 g
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