
M Budget CHEESE BONBONS with raspberry, orange and lemon aromas

Barcode 7613269332664

Switzerland (CH)


400.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Glucosesirup, Kokosöl gehärtet, Wasser, Fruchtsäfte (Zitrone, Orange, Himbeere), Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, Speisegelatine (Schwein), Feuchthaltemittel: E 422, färbende Frucht- und Pflanzenkonzentrate (Karotten, Holunderbeeren und schwarze Karotten), natürliche Aromen, Geliermittel: Gummi arabicum, Dextrin.

Ingredients (English)

sugar, glucose syrup, hydrogenated coconut oil, water, fruit juice (lemon, orange, raspberry), acidifier: citric acid, edible gelatin (pork), humectant: E 422, fruit and vegetable coloring extracts (carrots, elderberries and black carrots), natural flavors, gelling agent: gum arabic, dextrin

Ingredients (French)

sucre, sirop de glucose, huile de coco hydrogénée, eau, jus de fruits (citron, orange, framboise), acidifiant: acide citrique, gélatine alimentaire (porc), humectant: E 422, extraits colorants de fruits et de végétaux (carottes, baies de sureau et carottes noires), arômes naturels, gélifiant: gomme arabique, dextrine.

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio, olio di cocco idrogenato, acqua, succhi di frutta (limone, arancia, lampone), acidificante: acido citrico, gelatina alimentare (suina), agente umidificante: E 422, estratti coloranti di frutta e di vegetali (carote, coccole di sambuco e carote nere), aromi naturali, agente gelificante: gomma arabica, destrina.

Nutritional values
100 g 25.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 398.0 kCal 100.0 kCal
Energy 1684.0 kJ 421.0 kJ
Fat 7.0 g 2.0 g
Saturated fat 7.0 g 2.0 g
Carbohydrates 83.0 g 21.0 g
Sugars 54.0 g 14.0 g
Fiber 0.0 g 0.0 g
Protein 0.8 g 0.2 g
Salt 0.03 g 0.0 g
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