
M Classic Mocha / Chocolate

Barcode 22139337

Switzerland (CH)


180.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Joghurt (Milch, Milchproteine), Zucker 10%, Wasser, Schokoladestücke 2.4%, flüssiger Kaffee-Extrakt 1%, modifizierte Wachsmaisstärke, Aroma, Zitronensaft aus Konzentrat.

Ingredients (English)

yogurt (milk, milk proteins), sugar 10%, water, chocolate pieces 2.4%, liquid coffee extract 1%, modified starch of waxy corn, aroma, lemon juice extracted from concentrate.

Ingredients (French)

yogourt (lait, protéines du lait), sucre 10%, eau, morceaux de chocolat 2.4%, extrait de café liquide 1%, amidon modifié de maïs cireux, arôme, jus de citron à partir de concentré.

Ingredients (Italian)

yogurt (latte, proteine del latte), zucchero 10%, acqua, pezzi di cioccolato 2.4%, estratto di caffè liquido 1%, amido modificato di granoturco ceroso, aroma, succo di limone ricavato da concentrato.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 113.0 kCal
Energy 480.0 kJ
Fat 4.6 g
Carbohydrates 15.0 g
Sugars 14.0 g
Saturated fat 2.8 g
Fiber 0.0 g
Protein 3.0 g
Salt 0.1 g
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