
Migros Mango muslin

Barcode 7616700188318

Switzerland (CH)


110.0 g

Ingredients (German)

49% Rahm, 34% Mangopüree, Wasser, Zucker, gehärtete pflanzliche Fette, Glukosesirup, Magermilchpulver, Schweinegelatine, Emulgatoren: E 472b, E 472a, E 471, modifizierte Maisstärke, Weizenprotein, Stabilisator: E 450, Geliermittel: E 401, Aromen

Ingredients (English)

49% cream, 34% mango puree, water, sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fats, glucose syrup, skimmed milk powder, porcine gelatin, emulsifiers: E 472b, E 472a, E 471, modified corn starch, wheat protein, stabilizer: E 450, gelling agent: E 401, flavors

Ingredients (French)

crème 49%, purée de mango 34%, eau, sucre, graisses végétales hydrogénées, sirop de glucose, lait écrémé en poudre, gélatine porcine, émulsifiants: E 472b, E 472a, E 471, amidon de maïs modifié, protéines du froment, stabilisant: E 450, gélifiant: E 401, arômes

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 210.0 kCal
Energy 870.0 kJ
Fat 12.0 g
Carbohydrates 22.0 g
Protein 2.0 g
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