
Migros Bio - Tofu-Sticks, Vegan

Barcode 7613269351887

Switzerland (CH)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tofu 50% (Sojabohnen, Nigari, Wasser), Sesam 19%, Sonnenblumenöl, Tapioka, Rohrohzucker, Sojasauce (Wasser, Sojabohnen, Weizen, Meersalz), Senf, Weizenmehl, Gemüsebouillon, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln, Apfelessig, Ingwer, weisser Pfeffer, Meersalz

Ingredients (English)

tofu 50% (soy beans, nigari, water), sesame 19%, sunflower oil, tapioca, raw cane sugar, soy sauce (water, soy beans, wheat, sea salt), mustard, wheat flour, vegetable broth, garlic, onions, apple vinegar, ginger, white pepper, sea salt

Ingredients (French)

tofu 50% (soja, nigari, eau), sésame 19%, huile de tournesol, tapioca, sucre de cranne brut, sauce de soja (eau, soja, froment, sel marin), moutarde, farine de froment, boullion de légumes, ail, oignons, vinaigre de pommes, gingembre, poivre blanc, sel marin

Ingredients (Italian)

tofu 50% (fagioli di soia, nigari, acqua), sesamo 19%, olio di girasole, tapioca, zucchero di canna grezzo, salsa di soia (acqua, fagioli di soia, frumento, sale marino), senape, farina di frumento, brodo di verdura, aglio, cipolle, aceto di mele, zenzero, pepe blanco, sale marino

Nutritional values
100 g 33.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 278.0 kCal 92.0 kCal
Energy 1160.0 kJ
Fat 20.0 g 7.0 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 11.0 g
Sugars 4.5 g 1.5 g
Fiber 1.0 g
Protein 13.0 g
Salt 1.3 g 0.4 g
Sodium 0.5 g
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