
Lindt Hello

Barcode 7610400085991

Switzerland (CH)


160.0 g

Ingredients (German)

zücker, Kakaobutter , Volmilchpulver, Kakaomasse Milchzucker, Magermilchpulver , Emulgator(Sojalecithin), Gerstenmalzextrakt, Aroma Kann Haselrüsse Mandeln und andere Schalenfrüchte enthalten Kakao 3 % mindersten, Milchbestandtele 20% minderstens.

Ingredients (English)

sugar, cacao, butter , whole milk powder, cacao mass lactose skim milk powder , émulsifer ( soya lecithin ), barley malt extract ,flavouring May contain hazelnuts almonds and other nuts Caocao solids 3 % minimum . Milk solids 20 % minimun.

Ingredients (French)

sucre, beurre de cacao lait entier en poudre pâte de cacao, lactose lait écrémé en poudre émulsifiant (lécithine de soja), extrait de malt orge arôme .Peut contenir des noisettes des amandes et d'autres fruits à coque Cacao 31% minimum , matière sèche de lait 20 % minimum.

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, burro di cacao latte intero in polvere massa di cacao, emulsionante di latte in polvere di latte scremato di lattosio (lecitina di soia), aroma di estratto di malto d'orzo Può contenere nocciole di mandorle e altre noci Cacao minimo 31%, materiale latte secco minimo del 20%.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 2262.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 542.0 kCal
Fat 32.0 g
Saturated fat 20.0 g
Carbohydrates 56.0 g
Sugars 55.0 g
Protein 6.5 g
Salt 0.23 g
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