

Barcode 0845163008407

Switzerland (CH)


500.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Wasser (80.05%), Aloe Vera Fruchtfleisch (6%), Aloe vera Saft (4%), reiner Rohrzucker, Honigmelonensaftkonzentrat (0.8%), Apfelsaftkonzentrat (0.8%), Säuerungmittel Zitronensäure, näturliches Aroma, Süssstoff

Ingredients (English)

Water, pure cane sugar, aloe vera pulp (6%), aloe vera Juice (4%), Honeydew juice concentrate (0.8%), Appel juice concentrate (0.8%), Citric Acid, Natural flavoring, sweeteners: Steviol glycosides

Ingredients (French)

Eau, pur sucre de canne, pulpe d'aloe Vera (6%), jus d'aloe vera (4%), concentré de jus de melon miel (0.8%), concentré de jus de pomme (0.8%), acide citrique, Arômes naturel, Edulcorant: glycoside de steviol (E960)

Ingredients (Italian)

Acqua, Zucchero di cana, polpa di aloe vera (6%), succo di aloe vera (4%), succo di melone concentrato (0.8%), succo di mela concentrato (0.8%), regulatore di acidità: acido citrico, aromi natuali, edulcorante: glicosidi steviolici (E960)

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 29.0 kCal
Energy 121.0 kJ
Fat 0.0 g
Saturated fat 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 7.0 g
Sugars 6.0 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.01 g
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