
Karma Gemüsebällchen

Barcode 7610849069873

Switzerland (CH)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Gemüse 29% (Karotten, Erbsen, Zwiebeln, Peperoni),(...) Rapsöl, Weizenprotein 10 %, Mais, Wasser, Eiweisspulver, (...), Kartoffelstärke, Kochsalz, Erbsenfasern, Zwiebelpulver, (...), Traubenzucker, Gewürze (mit Sellerie),Eisendiphosphat, Vitamin B12, (...), Sojaproteine, Aromen.

Ingredients (English)

29% vegetables (carrots, pepperoni, peas, onions, peppers), 28% soy protein, rapeseed oil, protein (...), corn, water, egg white powder (farmed eggs on the ground) , (...), cooking salt, pea fiber, onion powder, (...), dextrose, spices (with celery), ferrous diphosphate, vitamin B12, (...) flavorings.

Ingredients (French)

légumes 29% (carottes, pepperoni, pois, oignons, poivrons), protéines des soja 28%, huile de colza, protéines (...), maïs, eau, blanc d’œuf en poudre (œufs d'élevage au sol) ,(...), sel de cuisine, fibres de pois, oignons en poudre, (...), dextrose, épices (avec céleri), diphosphate ferreux, vitamine B12, (...) arômes.

Ingredients (Italian)

verdura 29% (carote, piselli (...), pepperoni), proteine di soia 28%, olio di colza, poteine di frumento 10 %,(...) acqua, albume in polvere (uova di allevamento al suolo), amido di patate, (...), fibre di piselli, cipolla in polvere, maltodestrina, destrosio, (...), difosfato ferrico, vitamina B12, proteine di soia idrollizzate, (...) aromi

Nutritional values
100 g 120.0 g
Energy 890.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 213.0 kCal 256.0 kCal
Fat 14.0 g 16.8 g
Saturated fat 1.5 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 9.0 g 10.8 g
Sugars 2.0 g 2.4 g
Fiber 2.0 g 2.4 g
Protein 12.0 g 14.4 g
Salt 1.5 g 1.8 g
Sodium 0.6 g 0.72 g
Iron 2.1 mg 2.5 mg
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 0.38 µg 0.5 µg
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