
Deluxe - Chili flavoured olive oil

Barcode 20364151

Switzerland (CH)


250.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

94.8% natives Olivenöl extra, 2% Chilischoten, 2% rosa Pfefferkörner, 0.7% Lorbeerblätter, 0.5% natürliches Chili-Aroma.

Ingredients (English)

94.8% extra virgin olive oil, 2% chili peppers, 2% pink peppercorns, 0.7% bay leaves, 0.5% natural chilli flavor.

Ingredients (French)

94.8% huile d'olive vierge extra, 2% piments, 2% grains de poivre rose, 0.7% feuille de laurier, 0.5% arôme naturel de piment.

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy 3389.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 824.0 kCal
Fat 91.6 g
Saturated fat 13.3 g
Carbohydrates 0.0 g
Sugars 0.0 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.0 g
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