
Knorr Vegetables with sea salt

Barcode 7611100121804

Switzerland (CH)


109.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

36% Meersalz, Hefeextrakt, Palmöl, Kartoffelstärke, Zucker, 7% Gemüse (Zwiebeln, Karotten), Kräuter (Liebstöckel, Petersilie), Gewürze (SELLERIESAMEN, Curcuma, Knoblauch, Muskatnuss). Kann Spuren von Gluten, Milch, Ei und Senf enthalten. Vegetabil.

Ingredients (English)

36% sea salt, yeast extract, palm oil, potato starch, sugar, vegetables (onions, carrots), herbs (lovage, parsley), spices (CELERY seeds, turmeric, garlic, nutmeg). May contain traces of: gluten, milk, egg, mustard. Vegan.

Ingredients (French)

36% sel marin, extrait de levure, huile de palme, amidon de pomme de terre, sucre, légumes (oignons, carottes), fines herbes (livèche, persil), épices (graines de CÉLERI, curcuma, ail, muscade). Peut contenir des traces de: gluten, lait, oeuf, moutarde. Végétalien.

Ingredients (Italian)

36% di sale marino, estratto di lievito, olio di palma, fecola di patate, zucchero, verdure (cipolle, carote), erbe (levistico, prezzemolo), spezie (semi di CELERY, curcuma, aglio, noce moscata). Può contenere tracce di: glutine, latte, uova, senape. Vegan.

Nutritional values
100 ml 250.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 6.0 kCal 15.0 kCal
Energy 26.0 kJ 65.0 kJ
Fat 0.5 g 0.7 g
Carbohydrates 0.6 g 1.5 g
Sugars 0.5 g 0.7 g
Saturated fat 0.2 g 0.5 g
Fiber 0.5 g 0.5 g
Protein 0.5 g 0.7 g
Salt 0.85 g 2.1 g
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