
Spelled mini pretzel

Barcode 4039057410308

Germany (DE)


125.0 g

Ingredients (German)

zutaten: Dinkelmehl* 86%, Palmfett*, Meersalz 596, Hefe", Gersten. malzextrakt*, Brezellauge (Natriumhydroxid). aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau

Ingredients (English)

ingredients: Spelled flour * 86%, palm fat *, Sea salt 596, yeast ", barley. malt extract *, Brezellauge (Sodium hydroxide). from controlled biological cultivation

Ingredients (French)

ingrédients: Farine d'épeautre * 86%, graisse de palme *, Sel de mer 596, levure ", orge. extrait de malt *, Brezellauge (Hydroxyde de sodium). de biologique contrôlée cultivation

Ingredients (Italian)

ingredienti: Farina di farro * 86%, grasso di palma *, Sale marino 596, lievito ", orzo. estratto di malto *, Brezellauge (Idrossido di sodio). da biologico controllato coltivazione

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 409.0 kCal
Energy 1721.0 kJ
Fat 9.7 g
Carbohydrates 65.0 g
Sugars 2.3 g
Saturated fat 4.3 g
Fiber 6.0 g
Protein 12.0 g
Salt 4.1 g
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