
Saveur & Nature - Chocolat noir (Noix de coco)

Barcode 3760077187673

Switzerland (CH)


45.0 g

Ingredients (English)

dark chocolate* 70%, cocoa minimum (cocoa paste*, cane sugar*, cocoa butter*), grated coconut: 26%, wheat syrup*, white chocolate* (cane sugar*, cocoa butter*, whole milk powder*). May contain traces of peanuts, nuts and sesame seeds. *Ingredients from organic farming.

Ingredients (French)

chocolat noir* 70%, cacao minimum (pâte de cacao*, sucre de canne*, beurre de cacao*), noix de coco râpée: 26%, sirop de blé*, chocolat blanc* (sucre de canne*, beurre de cacao*, poudre de lait entier*). Peut contenir des traces d'arachides, de fruits à coque et de sésame. *Ingrédients issus de l'agriculture biologique.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 560.0 kCal
Energy 2345.0 kJ
Fat 39.8 g
Saturated fat 28.6 g
Carbohydrates 44.0 g
Sugars 45.1 g
Fiber 8.8 g
Protein 4.6 g
Salt 0.07 g
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