
Minor - Almond

Barcode 7610041079458

Switzerland (CH)


110.0 g

Ingredients (English)

Almonds 33%, sugar, cocoa butter, almond drink base 8% (almond flour partially de-oiled, dried rice syrup), cocoa mass, hazelnut oil, emulsifier (soya lecithin), hazelnuts, vanilla extract.

Ingredients (French)

Amandes 33%, sucre, beurre de cacao, base de boisson aux amandes 8% (farine d'amandes partiellement déshuilée, sirop de riz séché), pâte de cacao, essence de noisette, émulsifiant (lécithine de soja), noisettes, extrait de vanille.

Ingredients (Italian)

Mandorle 33%, zucchero, burro di cacao, base di bevanda alle mandorle 8% (farina di mandorle parzialmente disoleata, sciroppo di riso essiccato), pasta di cacao, olio di nocciole, emulsionante (lecitina di soia), nocciole, estratto di vaniglia.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 579.0 kCal
Energy 2406.0 kJ
Fat 41.0 g
Saturated fat 14.0 g
Carbohydrates 41.0 g
Sugars 36.0 g
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