
Chickpea Fusilli

Barcode 7640164290997

Switzerland (CH)


250.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Bio Fusilli aus Kichererbsen: Kichererbsenmehl* (60%), braunes Reismehl*, Tapiokastärke*, Erbsenproteinmehl**aus kontrolliert biologischer Landwirtschaft.

Ingredients (English)

Organic chickpea pasta: chickpea flour * (60%), whole rice flour *, tapioca starch *, pea protein meal ** from organic farming.

Ingredients (French)

Pâtes alimentaires à base de Pois Chiches Bio: farine de pois chiches* (60%), farine de riz complet*, amidon de tapioca*, farine de protéine de pois** issu de l'agriculture biologique.

Ingredients (Italian)

Pasta di ceci biologica: farina di ceci * (60%), farina di riso integrale *, amido di tapioca *, farina proteica di piselli ** da agricoltura biologica.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 361.0 kCal
Energy 1523.0 kJ
Fat 5.2 g
Saturated fat 0.9 g
Carbohydrates 51.8 g
Sugars 1.5 g
Fiber 6.5 g
Protein 23.4 g
Salt 0.0 g
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