
STAR - My vegetable nut

Barcode 8000050009802

Italy (IT)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Jodsalz, Kaliumjodsalz, Fettpalmenfrucht, Geschmacksverstärker: Mononatriumglutamat, Dinatriumguanilat und Dinatriuminosinat, Brühextrakt, Gemüse (Zwiebeln, Karotten, Petersilie, Kartoffeln, Lauch, Tomaten, Sellerie, Spinat, Agilio) , Aromen, Zucker, Selleriesamen, Gewürze - Kann Spuren von: Milch, Soja, Fisch und Eiern enthalten

Ingredients (English)

Iodized salt, potassium iodine salt, fat palm fruit, flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate, disodium guanilate and disodium inosinate, broth extract, vegetables (onion, carrot, parsley, potato, leek, tomato, celery, spinach, agilio) , aromas, sugar, celery seeds, spices - May contain traces of: milk, soy, fish and eggs

Ingredients (French)

Sel iodé, sel iodé de potassium, fruits de palme gras, exhausteur de goût: glutamate monosodique, guanilate disodique et inosinate disodique, extrait de bouillon, légumes (oignon, carotte, persil, pomme de terre, poireau, tomate, céleri, épinard, épinard, agilio) , arômes, sucre, graines de céleri, épices - Peut contenir des traces de: lait, soja, poisson et œufs

Ingredients (Italian)

Sale iodato, sale iodato di potassio, grasso vegete di palma, esaltatore di sapidità: glutammato monosodico, guanilato disodico e inosinato disodico, estratto per brodo, verdure (cipolla, carota, prezzemolo, patata, porro, pomodoro, sedano, spinacio, agilio), aromi, zucchero, semi di sedano, spezie - Può contenere tracce di: latte, soia, pesce e uova

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 271.0 kCal
Energy 1123.0 kJ
Fat 23.0 g
Saturated fat 14.0 g
Carbohydrates 6.5 g
Sugars 2.5 g
Fiber 1.0 g
Protein 9.0 g
Salt 54.3 g
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