
Coop Pain Artisanal - PureSpelled Bread

Barcode 7613379509635

Switzerland (CH)


450.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Dinkelmehl * 57%, Wasser, Dinkel Dinkel * 11%, jodiertes Kochsalz, Hefe, Dinkelgluten, Dinkelstärke. * 100% reines Dinkelgetreide

Ingredients (English)

spelled flour * 57%, water, spelled spelled * 11%, iodized cooking salt, yeast, spelled gluten, spelled starch. * 100% pure spelled cereal

Ingredients (French)

farine d'épeautre* 57%, eau, épeautre égrugé* 11%, sel de cuisine iodé, levure, gluten d'épeautre, amidon d'épeautre. *céréale 100% Pur Epeautre

Ingredients (Italian)

farina di farro * 57%, acqua, farro di farro * 11%, sale da cucina iodato, lievito, glutine di farro, amido di farro. * Cereali al 100% di farro puro

Nutritional values
100 g 50.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 232.0 kCal 116.0 kCal
Energy 982.0 kJ 491.0 kJ
Fat 1.1 g 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 44.0 g 22.0 g
Sugars 0.0 g 0.0 g
Saturated fat 0.2 g 0.0 g
Fiber 3.5 g 1.8 g
Protein 9.7 g 4.9 g
Salt 1.7 g 0.0 g
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