
Taifun - Turmeric Tofu

Barcode 4012359114808

Switzerland (CH)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tofu 93% (Sojabohnen 55%, Wasser, Gerinnungsmittel: Magnesiumchlorid, Calciumsulfat), kaltgepresstes Sonnenblumenöl, Meersalz, Tomaten, Gemüsepaprika, Kurkuma 0.7%, Schwarzkümmel, Pfeffer schwarz, Ingwer, Macis, Kardamom, Knoblauch. Kann Spuren von Gluten, Schalenfrüchten, Sellerie, Senf und Sesam enthalten.

Ingredients (English)

Tofu 93% (soybean 55%, water, coagulum: magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate), cold pressed sunflower oil, sea salt, tomatoes, sweet peppers, turmeric 0.7%, black cumin, black pepper, ginger, mace, cardamom, garlic. May contain traces of gluten, nuts, celery, mustard and sesame.

Ingredients (French)

Tofu 93% (soja 55%, eau, coagulum: chlorure de magnésium, sulfate de calcium), huile de tournesol pressée à froid, sel de mer, tomates, poivrons doux, curcuma 0,7%, cumin noir, poivre noir, gingembre, macis, cardamome, ail. Peut contenir des traces de gluten, noix, céleri, moutarde et sésame.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 172.0 kCal
Energy 717.0 kJ
Fat 9.8 g
Saturated fat 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 1.9 g
Sugars 0.9 g
Protein 18.0 g
Salt 1.4 g
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