
Alnatura - vegan fresh cream herbal (without soya)

Barcode 4104420207325

Switzerland (CH)


150.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zubereitung mit Mandeln * 58% (Wasser, Mandeln * 10%), Kokosöl * 31%, Schnittlauch *, Petersilie *, Verdickungsmittel: Johannisbrotkernmehl *, Zitronensaft * aus konzentriertem Zitronensaft * Kochsalz, Knoblauch *, Pfeffer * * ökologischer Landbau

Ingredients (English)

Preparation with almonds * 58% (water, almonds * 10%), coconut oil * 31%, chives *, parsley *, thickener: carob seed flour *, lemon juice * from concentrated lemon juice * cooking salt, garlic *, pepper * * organic farming

Ingredients (French)

Préparation à base d'amandes* 58 % (eau, amandes* 10%), huile de coco* 31%, ciboulette*, persil*, épaississant: farine de graines de caroube*, jus de citron* issu de jus de citron concentré* sel de cuisine, ail*, poivre* *de l'agricule biologique

Ingredients (Italian)

Preparazione con mandorle * 58% (acqua, mandorle * 10%), olio di cocco * 31%, erba cipollina *, prezzemolo *, addensante: farina di semi di carruba *, succo di limone * da succo concentrato di limone * sale da cucina, aglio *, pepe * * agricoltura biologica

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 346.0 kCal
Energy 1425.0 kJ
Fat 36.0 g
Carbohydrates 2.0 g
Sugars 1.0 g
Saturated fat 27.0 g
Fiber 1.8 g
Protein 2.6 g
Salt 0.92 g
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