
Valfrutta - 100% smoothie (strawberry, apple, currant, blueberry)

Barcode 8001440130939

Switzerland (CH)


1000.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

65,5% Apfel (Püree, Saft aus einem Konzentrat und Saftkonzentrat), Saft aus einem Konzentrat, 21% rote Trauben, 5% Schwarze Johannisbeere und Zitrone, 4% Erdbeerpüree, 3% Himbeeren und Blaubeere 1%.

Ingredients (English)

Apple 65.5% (puree, juice obtained from a concentrate and concentrated juice), juice obtained from a concentrate, 21% red grapes, 5% black currant and lemon, 4% strawberry purle, 3% raspberries and blueberry 1%.

Ingredients (French)

Pomme 65.5% (purée, jus obtenu à partir d'un concentré et jus concentré), jus obtenu à partir d'un concentré, raisins rouges 21%, cassis 5% et citron, purle de fraises 4%, framboises 3% et myrtille 1%.

Ingredients (Italian)

Mela 65,5% (purea, succo ottenuto da un concentrato e succo concentrato), succo ottenuto da un concentrato, uva rossa al 21%, ribes nero al 5% e limone, 4% purea di fragole, 3% di lamponi e mirtillo 1%.

Nutritional values
100.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 61.0 kCal
Energy 260.0 kJ
Fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 13.9 g
Sugars 12.5 g
Saturated fat 0.0 g
Fiber 0.7 g
Protein 0.4 g
Salt 0.0 g
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