
Jaus wholemeal sandwich

Barcode 4058077766394

Switzerland (CH)


750.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Vollkornmehl 57%, Wasser, Weizenmehl, Hefe, Sonnenblumenöl, Saccharose, Salz, Säureregulator, Natriumacetate, Konservierungsmittel, Sorbinsäure, Aroma (enthält Alkohol)

Ingredients (English)

whole wheat flour 57%, water, wheat flour, yeast, sunflower oil, sucrose, salt, acidity regulator, sodium acetates, preservative, sorbic acid, flavoring (contains alcohol)

Ingredients (French)

farine de blé complet 57%, eau, farine de blé, levure, huile de tournesol, saccharose, sel, correcteur d'acidité, acétates de sodium, conservateur, acide sorbique, arôme (contient alcool)

Ingredients (Italian)

farina di grano integrale 57%, acqua, farina di frumento, lievito, olio di semi di girasole, saccarosio, sale, correttore di acidità, sodio acetato, conservante, acido sorbico, aroma (contiene alcool)

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 246.0 kCal
Energy 1036.0 kJ
Fat 3.5 g
Carbohydrates 42.0 g
Sugars 2.0 g
Saturated fat 1.2 g
Fiber 6.0 g
Protein 8.5 g
Salt 1.1 g
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