
Blini tomato caviar

Barcode 3292070005550

Switzerland (CH)


175.0 g

Ingredients (German)

geschälte Tomaten 31%, getrocknete Tomaten 22%, frische Kochzubereitung aus 15% Tomaten, halbgetrocknete Tomaten und Tomatenkonzentrat 12%, Sonnenblumenöl, Olivenöl, Salz, Zucker. Rapsöl, vorgewürzte Zwiebeln (Zwiebeln, Sonnenblumenöl), Weizenfaser, Basilikum 0,6%, Knoblauchpulver, Erbsenfaser, Zucker, Konservierungsmittel, Getreidespuren, Glutenhaltige, Krebstiere, Eier, Fisch , Soja, Milch, Sellerie, Senf, Sesam, Weichtiere.

Ingredients (English)

peeled tomatoes 31%, dried tomatoes 22%, fresh culinary preparation made from tomato 15%, tomato semi-dried and tomato concentrate 12%, sunflower oil, olive oil, salt, sugar. Canola oil, pre-seasoned onions (onions, sunflower oil), wheat fiber, basil 0.6%, garlic powder, pea fiber, sugar, preservative, traces of cereals, gluten-containing, crustaceans, eggs, fish , soy, milk, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, molluscs.

Ingredients (French)

tomates pelées 31%, tomates séchées 22%, préparation culinaire fraîche à base de tomate 15%, tomate mi-séchée et concentré de tomate 12%, huile de tournesol, huile d'olive, sel, sucre. Huile de colza, oignons préfrits (oignons, huile de tournesol), fibres de blé, basilic 0,6%, ail en poudre, fibre de pois, sucre, conservateur, traces éventuelles de céréales, contenant du gluten, crustacés, oeufs, poissons, soja, lait, céleri, moutarde, graines de sésame, mollusques.

Ingredients (Italian)

pomodori pelati 31%, pomodori secchi 22%, preparazione culinaria fresca a base di pomodoro 15%, pomodoro semi-secco e concentrato di pomodoro 12%, olio di semi di girasole, olio d'oliva, sale, zucchero. Olio di canola, cipolle pre-stagionate (cipolle, olio di semi di girasole), fibra di grano, basilico 0,6%, polvere d'aglio, fibra di pisello, zucchero, conservante, tracce di cereali, contenenti glutine, crostacei, uova, pesce , soia, latte, sedano, senape, semi di sesamo, molluschi.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 226.0 kCal
Energy 935.0 kJ
Fat 18.8 g
Carbohydrates 8.7 g
Sugars 7.3 g
Saturated fat 1.5 g
Fiber 6.1 g
Protein 2.5 g
Salt 1.5 g
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