
Nestlé Hirz Raspberry vanilla

Barcode 7613031215836

Switzerland (CH)


180.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Vollmilch , 9,1% Himbeer (Stücke und auf Basis Püreekonzentrat ), Milch lean, Zucker, Milcheiweiß , Wachsmaisstärke , natürliches Aromakonzentrat , bezogen Rübensaft , natürliches Vanille-Aroma.

Ingredients (English)

Whole milk, raspberries 9.1% (pieces and mash concentrate), lean milk, sugar, milk protein, waxy maize starch, natural flavor, concentrated beet juice, natural vanilla flavor.

Ingredients (French)

LAIT entier, framboises 9.1 % (morceaux et purée à base de concentré), LAIT maigre, sucre, protéines de LAIT, amidon de mais cireux,arôme naturel, jus de betterave à base de concentré, arôme naturel de vanille.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 413.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 98.0 kCal
Fat 2.9 g
Saturated fat 1.7 g
Carbohydrates 13.0 g
Sugars 12.0 g
Protein 4.2 g
Salt 0.07 g
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