
Anna's Best Ready! - Tabbouleh with vegetables

Barcode 7613404100523

Switzerland (CH)


250.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Hartweizengriess gekocht 48%, Gemüse 31% (Tomaten, Zwiebeln, Mais, Peperoni), Rapsöl, Tafelessig, Sultaninen, Kräuter, Streuwürze, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Zucker, Kochsalz, Gewürzextrakte.

Ingredients (English)

Durum wheat semolina cooked 48%, vegetables 31% (tomatoes, onions, corn, chillies), rapeseed oil, toffee vinegar, sultanas, herbs, condiments, lemon juice concentrate, sugar, table salt, spice extracts.

Ingredients (French)

Semoule de blé dur cuite 48%, légumes 31% (tomates, oignons, maïs, poivrons), huile de colza, vinaigre de table, raisins secs, fines herbes, condiment en poudre, jus de citron concentré, sucre, sel de cuisine, extraits d'épices.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 212.0 kCal
Energy 890.0 kJ
Fat 9.4 g
Saturated fat 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 27.0 g
Sugars 5.0 g
Fiber 1.7 g
Protein 4.1 g
Salt 0.99 g
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