
Coop Karma - Früchtebrot

Barcode 7624841309516

Switzerland (CH)


400.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Weizenmehl (Ruch, Halbweis), Wasser, getrocknete früchte 14% (Feigen, Aprikosen, Antioxidationsmittel (E220 (Sulfit)), Sultaninen 7% (Sultaninen, Baumwollsaatöl), Haselnüsse, Hefe, Kochsalz jodiert, Sauerteig (Weizen), Glucose, Verdickungsmittel (E412), Reismehl, Emulgator (E472e), Gerstenmalzmehl, Stabilisatoren (E450, E341).

Ingredients (French)

Farine de froment (bise, mi-blanche), eau, fruits séchés 14% (figues, abricots, antioxydant (E220 (sulfite)), raisins sultanines 7% (raisins sultanines, huile de coton), noisettes, levure, sel de cuisine iodé, levain (froment), glucose, épaississant (E412), farine de riz, émulsifiant (E472e), farine de malt d'orge, stabilisants (E450, E341).

Ingredients (Italian)

Farina di frumento (bigia, semibianca), acqua, frutta secca 14% (fichi, albicocche, antiossidante (E220 (solfito)), uva sultanina 7% (uva sultanina, olio di cotone), nocciole, lievito, sale da cucina iodato, pasta acida (frumento), glucosio, addensante (E412), farina di riso, emulsionante (E472e), farina di malto d'orzo, stabilizzanti (E450, E341).

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 272.0 kCal
Energy 1145.0 kJ
Fat 5.5 g
Saturated fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 45.0 g
Sugars 13.0 g
Fiber 5.1 g
Protein 8.0 g
Salt 1.1 g
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