
Power salad Linsen

Barcode 7613269887324

Switzerland (CH)


300.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Linsen gekocht 47%, Gemüse 40%, (Tomaten, Zucchini, Edamame [Sojabohnen]), Salatsauce 10% (Limettensaft aus Konzentrat [enthält Konservierungsstoff: Kaliumdisulfit], Olivenöl, Zwiebeln, Petersilie, Wasser, Pfefferminze, jodiertes Kochsalz, Knoblauchzubereitung [Knoblauch, Kochsalz], Kreuzkümmel, Pfeffer), Datteln. Kann enthalten: Gluten.

Ingredients (French)

lentilles cuites 47%, légumea 40%, (tomates, courgettes, edamame [fêve de soja]), sauce pour salade 10% (jus de lime à partir de concentré [contient conservateur: disulfite de potassium], huile d'olive, oignons, persil, eau, menthe poivrée, sel de cuisine iodé, préparation à l'ail [ail, sel de cuisine], cumin oriental, poivre), dattes. Peut contenir: gluten.

Ingredients (Italian)

lenticchie cotte 47%, verdure 40%, (pomodori, zucchine, edamame [fagioli di soia]), condimento per insalata 10% (succo di limetta da concentrato [contiene conservante: metabisolfito di potassio], olio d'oliva, cipolle, prezzemolo, acqua, menta piperita, sale da cucina iodato, preparazione all'aglio [aglio, sale da cucina], cumino bianco, pepe), datteri. Può contenere: glutine.

Nutritional values
100 g 300.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 76.0 kCal 227.0 kCal
Energy 317.0 kJ 952.0 kJ
Fat 2.0 g 6.0 g
Saturated fat 0.3 g 0.9 g
Carbohydrates 7.7 g 23.0 g
Sugars 3.1 g 9.3 g
Fiber 4.9 g 15.0 g
Protein 4.3 g 13.0 g
Salt 0.35 g 1.1 g
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