
Kägi fret (Cappuccino)

Barcode 7610046412809

Switzerland (CH)


128.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Palmfett (nachhaltig; zertifiziert), Vollmilchpulver, Weizenmehl, Kakaobutter, Kakaomasse, Kakaopulver, Haselnüsse, Kaffee Extrakt (0,5)%, Weizenfasern gemahlenen, Emulgator: Lecithine (Soja), Eigelbpulver, natürliche Aromen, Speisesalz, Backtriebmittel: Natriumhydrogencarbonat.

Ingredients (English)

sugar, palm fat (sustainable; certified), whole milk powder, wheat flour, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, cocoa powder, hazelnuts, coffee extract (0.5%), ground wheat fibre, emulsifier: lecithins (soya), powdered egg yolk, natural flavourings (coffee, cream, vanilla), salt, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate

Ingredients (French)

sucre, graisse de palme (durable; certifiée), lait en poudre entier, farine de froment, beurre de cacao, pâte de cacao, poudre de cacao, noisettes, extrait de café (0.5)%, fibre de blé moulue, émulgateur: lécithines (soja), jaune d'oeuf en poudre, arômes naturels, sel de cuisine, poudre à lever: bicarbonate de sodium.

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, grasso di palma (sostenibile; certificato), latte intero in polvere, farina di frumento, burro di cacao, pasta di cacao, cacao in polvere, nocciole, estratto di caffè (0,5)%, fibra di frumento macinata, emulsionante: lecitina (soia), tuorlo d'uovo in polvere, aromi naturali, sale da cucina, agente lievitante: bicarbonato di sodio.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 569.0 kCal
Energy 2372.0 kJ
Fat 37.0 g
Saturated fat 27.0 g
Carbohydrates 55.0 g
Sugars 40.0 g
Protein 6.1 g
Salt 0.22 g
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