
cuida té ROOIBOS Dolce Vita

Barcode 8435336290283

Switzerland (CH)


100.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Extra langer geschnittener Rooibos 79 %, Orangenschalen, weißen Schokolade, schwarze Schokolade, korinthische Rosinen, Orangenaroma und Sahne

Ingredients (English)

Extra long cut rooibos 79%, orange zest, white chocolate, dark chocolate, currants, orange and cream aroma

Ingredients (French)

Rooibos extra long coupé 79 %, zeste d'orange, chocolat blanc, chocolat noir, raisins de Corinthe, arôme orange et crème

Ingredients (Italian)

Rooibos extra long taglio 79 %, scorza d'arancia, cioccolato bianco, cioccolato nero, uva secca di Cornito, aroma d'arancia e panna

Nutritional values
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