
stick lembke tea ginger and lemon

Barcode 4260284480158

Switzerland (CH)


36.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Grüntee*, Ingwerstücke* (15%), Zitronenmyrthe* (10%), Süßholzwurzein*, Spearminze* (Krauseminze) *100% aus biologischem Anbau Enthält Bio-Süßholz

Ingredients (English)

Green tea *, ginger pieces * (15%), lemon myrtle * (10%), licorice root *, spearmint * (spearmint) * 100% organically grown Contains organic licorice

Ingredients (French)

Thé vert *, morceaux de gingembre * (15%), myrte citronnée * (10%), racine de réglisse *, menthe verte * (menthe verte) * 100% de culture biologique, contient de la réglisse biologique

Ingredients (Italian)

Tè verde *, pezzetti di zenzero * (15%), mirto di limone * (10%), radice di liquirizia *, menta verde * (menta verde) * 100% organico, contiene liquirizia biologica

Nutritional values
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