
Shotimaa morning Sweet Chai

Barcode 8717853491573

Switzerland (CH)


32.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Fenchel* (40%), Süßholz* (25%), geröstet Zichorienwurzel*, Zimt*, Maisbart*, schwarzer Pfeffer*, Ingwer*, Brennnessel*, Kardamom*, Nelken*. * = aus biologischer Landwirtschaft Enthält Süßholz - bei Bluthochdruck übermäßigen Verzehr vermeiden.

Ingredients (English)

Fennel * (40%), liquorice * (25%), roasted chicory *, cinnamon *, corn silk *, black pepper *, ginger *, nettle *, cardamom *, cloves *. * = from organic farming Contains licorice - people with hypertension should avoid excessive consumption.

Ingredients (French)

Fenouil* (40%), réglisse* (25%), chicorée torréfiée*, cannelle*, soie de maïs*, poivre noir*, gingembre*, ortie*, cardamome*, clous de girofle*. * = de l'agriculture biologique Contient de la réglisse - les personnes souffrant d'hypertension doivent éviter toute consommation excessive.

Ingredients (Italian)

Finocchio * (40%), liquirizia * (25%), cicoria tostata *, cannella *, seta di mais *, pepe nero *, zenzero *, ortica *, cardamomo *, chiodi di garofano *. * = da agricoltura biologica Contiene liquirizia - le persone con ipertensione dovrebbero evitare un consumo eccessivo.

Nutritional values
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