
Teekanne Lust for life elderberry & mint

Barcode 4009300008989

Switzerland (CH)


50.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Pfefferminze (29%), Äpfel, Hagebutten, Holunderblüten (8%), Holunderbeeren (6%), natürliches Aroma mit Holunderbeeren-Geschmack, süße Brombeerblätter, Zichorienwurzel, Zimt.

Ingredients (English)

Peppermint (29%), apples, rose hips, elderflower (8%), elderberry (6%), natural aroma with elderberry flavor, sweet blackberry leaves, chicory root, cinnamon.

Ingredients (French)

Menthe poivrée (29%), pommes, églantier, fleur de sureau (8%), sureau (6%), arôme naturel au goût de sureau, feuilles de mûre sucrée, racine de chicorée, cannelle.

Nutritional values
100 g 200.0 ml
Energy 8.0 kJ 16.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 2.0 kCal 4.0 kCal
Fat 0.1 g 0.1 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 0.3 g
Sugars 0.2 g 0.4 g
Protein 0.2 g
Salt 0.01 g 0.02 g
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