
Betty Bossi : Schokoladenkuchen zum warm essen

Barcode 7613331669377

Switzerland (CH)


190.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Schokolade 29% (Kakaomasse, Rohrzucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator [E322 aus Soja]), Rohzucker, Vollei (Europa), Vollrahm (Frankreich), eingesottene Butter, Weizenmehl, gemahlene Mandeln, Wasser, Eigelb, Reisstärke, Emulgator (E471)

Ingredients (French)

chocolat 29% (cacao en pâte, sucre de canne, beurre de cacao, émulsifiant [E322 de soja]), sucre brut, oeuf entier (Europe), crème entière (France), beurre fondu, farine de froment, amandes moulues, eau, jaune d'oeuf, amidon de riz, émulsifiant (E471)

Ingredients (Italian)

cioccolato 29% (pasta di cacao, zucchero di canna, burro di cacao, emulsionante [E322 di soia]), zucchero greggio, uovo intero (Europa), panna intera (Francia), burro fuso, farina di frumento, mandorle macinate, acqua, tuorlo, amido di riso, emulsionante (E471)

Nutritional values
100 g 95.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 450.0 kCal 426.0 kCal
Energy 1880.0 kJ 1780.0 kJ
Fat 31.0 g 29.5 g
Saturated fat 20.0 g 19.0 g
Carbohydrates 35.0 g 33.3 g
Sugars 28.0 g 26.6 g
Fiber 4.0 g 3.8 g
Protein 6.0 g 5.7 g
Salt 0.06 g 0.06 g
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