
iglo 12 Fish sticks with rösti crust

Barcode 4019633172943

Switzerland (CH)


336.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Alaska Seelachs-Filet (49%), getrocknete Kartoffelstuckchen, Wasser, Weizenmehl, Rapsöl, Reisgriess, Reisstärke, Senf (Wasser, Senfkörner, Weinbrandtessig, Salz, Gewürze), Salz

Ingredients (English)

Fillet of Alaska pollock (49%), dried potato pieces, water, wheat flour, rapeseed oil, rice meal, rice starch, mustard (water, mustard seeds, water-vinegar) life salt and spices salt

Ingredients (French)

Filet de colin d'Alaska (49%), morceaux de pomme de terre séchés, eau, farine de froment, huile de colza, semoule de riz, amidon de riz, moutarde (eau, graines de moutarde, vinaigre d'eau-de-vie, sel, épices), sel

Ingredients (Italian)

Filetti di Merluzzo dell'Alaska (49%), pezzetti di patate disidratate, acqua, farina di frumento, olio di colza, semola di riso, amido di riso, senape (acqua, semi di senape, aceto di acquavite, sale, spezie), sale

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 214.0 kCal
Energy 897.0 kJ
Fat 8.7 g
Carbohydrates 23.0 g
Sugars 0.8 g
Saturated fat 0.7 g
Fiber 0.9 g
Protein 11.0 g
Salt 0.8 g
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