Martina Klug

Community answer 6

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
October 31, 2023 22:29 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Ikea - Vegetable balls "
Pending 0

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Ikea - Vegetable balls "

Image illegible
October 31, 2023 22:28 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Ikea - Vegetable balls "
Pending 0

Transcribe the name of "Ikea - Vegetable balls "

German: IKEA Gemüsebällchen
French: Boulettes de légumes IKEA
Italian: Palline di verdure IKEA
English: IKEA Vegetable Balls
Spanish: Bolas Vegetales IKEA
October 31, 2023 22:27 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "7613404375655"
Pending 0

Transcribe the nutrient list of "7613404375655"

Image missing
October 31, 2023 22:26 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Knusperone - Obst Riegel (Cranberry-Sauerkirsch Geschmack)"
Pending 0
German: Knusperone Obstriegel Cranberry-Sauerkirsch Geschmack
French: Knusperone barre croustillante aux fruits parfum Canneberge-Cerise acide
Italian: Knusperone barretta di frutta croccante al gusto di mirtillo rosso e amarena
English: Knusperone crunchy Fruit Bar Cranberry Sour Cherry Flavour
Spanish: Knusperone barrita de fruta crujiente sabor arándano y cereza ácida
October 31, 2023 22:24 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Klostergarten - Orangenblütentee"
Pending 0

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Klostergarten - Orangenblütentee"

Image missing
October 31, 2023 22:24 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Klostergarten - Orangenblütentee"
Pending 0

Transcribe the name of "Klostergarten - Orangenblütentee"

German: Orangenblütentee
French: Thé à la fleur d'oranger
Italian: Tè ai fiori d'arancio
English: Orange blossom tea
Spanish: Té de flor de naranjo

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