
Sterzing Vipiteno

Codice a barre 8007735002806

Italia (IT)


500.0 g

Ingredienti (Tedesco)

Fettarmer Joghurt mit Milchenzymen Streptococcus thermophilus und Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Ingredienti (Inglese)

Low-fat yoghurt with milk enzymes streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Ingredienti (Francese)

Yaourt maigre avec des enzymes du lait streptocoque thermophilus et lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Ingredienti (Italiano)

Yogurt magro con fermenti lattici streptococcus thermophilus e lactobacillus bulgaricus.

Valori nutrizionali
100 g
Energia (kCal) 41.0 kCal
Energia 174.0 kJ
Grassi 0.1 g
Carboidrati 5.6 g
Acidi grassi saturi 0.0 g
Zuccheri 4.6 g
Proteine 4.3 g
Sale 0.1 g
Calcio 145.0 mg
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